Write your Member of Parliament (MP)
Urge them to support World Animal Protection’s election platform proposals—the biggest opportunity to help animals in the next federal election.
Parliament may be on pause, but behind the scenes, MPs and political parties are already shaping their election platforms. This is your chance to make sure animal protection is at the top of their list. By calling on your MP to back World Animal Protection’s proposals, you can help:
- Increase the chances of getting animal protection commitments from your MP’s party and other parties paying close attention.
- Help ensure that animal welfare remains on the next Parliament’s agenda.
- Show that animals matter to voters and that your MP’s response will influence how you vote.
When you act today, you’ll build momentum for stronger protections for animals and show your MP that animal welfare matters. It’s quick and easy: fill out the form below and we’ll match you with your MP and then provide you with a template e-letter that you can personalize.